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Found 2875 results for any of the keywords ranga rao. Time 0.022 seconds.
RMSD | Educating the visually challenged.Ranga Rao Memorial School for Differently abled (RMSD) is a free residential school for visually challenged girls. The aim of the school is to groom to overcome total dependency and live confidently.
N R Foundation | For the wellbeing of all beings.N Ranga Rao Memorial Trust, commonly known as the NR Foundation, was founded in 1985 at Mysore. The trust stands as a pillar of support for the differently-abled and the underprivileged.
Cinemaplusnews - Get todays latest tamil cinema newsCinemaPlusNews is the movie portal provides the todays tamil cinema news, reviews about the film, Tamil celebrity gossips and kollywood latest updates.
NR Foundation. Giving back to society.NR Group ideologies are built on ethics, sustainability and social responsibility. The NR Foundation is committed to community development and the environment.
Women Empowerment | NR FoundationIt is often said that the progress of a nation is directly proportional to the employment rate amongst women. Gainful employment of women from rural, tribal and uneducated backgrounds requires specific skill sets. The NR
Best Multispeciality Hospital in India | Top doctors - Paras HealthBest Multispeciality Hospital in India - We provide world-class health care services with top doctors a network of the 8 best hospital near you - Paras Health.
Calamity Support | NR FoundationNR Foundation has always lent a helping hand to support local communities in times of natural disasters, by actively taking part in relief efforts, and contributing in many ways.
Community Development | NR Foundationcentre for community development
Cycle Samaj Calamity Relief | NR FoundationCycle Samaj is the Disaster Management Division of NR Foundation that provides relief measures in times of a crisis. At such times, the foundation steps in with monetary and voluntary support. It reaches out to people at
Board of Governors 2025 | IEEE Communications SocietyIEEE Communications Society’s Board of Governors are appointed to serve a worldwide network of engineering professionals.
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